Reference by Computer Science & Systems Analysis of
Miami University School.
Undergraduate Courses
- EAS 101 Computing, Engineering, and Society
- CSA 141 Personal Computer Applications
- CSA 148 Business Computing
- CSA 151 Computers, Computer Science, and Society
- CSA 153 Introduction to C/C++ Programming
- CSA 163 Introduction to Computer Concepts and Programming
- CSA 174 Fundamentals of Programming and Problem Solving
- CSA 201 Introduction to Software Engineering
- CSA 211 Software Construction
- CSA 212 Software Engineering for HCI
- CSA 241 Computational Modeling
- CSA 251 Introduction to Game Programming
- CSA 252 Web Application Programming
- CSA 253 Current Programming Languages
- CSA 262 Technology, Ethics, and Global Society
- CSA 271 Object-Oriented Programming
- CSA 273 Optimization Modeling
- CSA 274 Data Abstraction and Data Structures
- CSA 278 Computer Architecture
- CSA 283 Data Communications and Networks
- CSA 311 Software Architecture and Design
- CSA 321 Software Quality Assurance and Testing
- CSA 322 Software Requirements
- CSA 348 Applied Software Engineering (Replaced by 201)
- CSA 372 Stochastic Modeling
- CSA 381 Operating Systems
- CSA 383 Client Server Systems
- CSA 385 Database Systems
- CSA 386 Introduction to Computer Graphics
- CSA 443 High Performance Computing
- CSA 448 Senior Design Project I
- CSA 449 Senior Design Project II
- CSA 464 Algorithms
- CSA 465 Comparative Programming Languages
- CSA 466 (MBI 466) Bioinformatics
- CSA 467 Computer and Network Security
- CSA 470 Special Topics
- CSA 471 Simulation
- CSA 473 Automata, Formal Languages, and Computability
- CSA 474 Compiler Design
- CSA 480 Special Problems
- CSA 481 Technology for Management of Disability and Disease
- CSA 483 Statistical Forecasting
- CSA 485 Advanced Database Systems
- CSA 486 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- CSA 487 Game Design and Implementation
- CSA 491 Undergraduate Research
Graduate Courses
- CSA 543 High Performance Computing
- CSA 564 Algorithms
- CSA 565 Comparative Programming Languages
- CSA 570 Special Topics
- CSA 571 Simulation
- CSA 573 Automata, Formal Languages, & Computability
- CSA 574 Compiler Design
- CSA 585 Advanced Database Systems
- CSA 586 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- CSA 600 Independent Study
- CSA 603 Computer Programming
- CSA 604 Computer Architecture
- CSA 606 Data Structures and Algorithms
- CSA 607 Database Systems
- CSA 608 Computer Networks
- CSA 609 Accelerated Discrete Math
- CSA 610 Seminar
Current Offerings for Spring 2009
- Section P - Security for Sensor Networks - Keith Frikken
- Section Q - Ontology Learning-Biomedical - Valerie Cross
- Section R - Radar Imaging Algorithms - Dmitriy Garmatyuk
- CSA 615 Mathematical Modeling
- CSA 617 Advanced Networks
- CSA 618 Graphics for Simulation and Virtual Environments
- CSA 620 Special Topics
Offerings for Spring 2009
- Section I - Applied Cryptography - Keith Frikken
- CSA 621 Foundations of Software Engineering
- CSA 624 Expert Systems
- CSA 626 Information Retrieval Systems
- CSA 627 Machine Learning
- CSA 628 Advanced Simulation
- CSA 631 Ontologies for the Semantic Web
- CSA 690 Graduate Research
- CSA 700 Research for Master's Thesis
(From : Miami University School of Engineering & Applied Science )
http://www.eas.muohio.edu/departments/csa/coursedescriptions )